Photo by Leah Evans— Leah Evans Photography
A note from the artist: I began to develop the idea of this project in 2013; at the time I was part of a Lawrence group called Feminist Noms. The Feminist Noms split into what is now the KU/Haskell Women of Color Collective. These two groups have largely inspired my artwork and the shaping of the WoC Mural. In the following years, I worked with both Ursula Minor and Grace D. Chin to further develop the project. I continued to research, develop, and write the project into fruition. In 2017 it was funded by Rocket Grants and the KCAIC. Many more artists and community members took park on this project. link
Wak'ó Mujeres Phụ nữ Women Mural: A collection of oral histories of Women of Color translated into a public mural created by Women of Color artists in Lawrence, KS.
The project title represents the diversity of languages from past and present women in Kansas who called this land their home. The title can be translated to: Women Women Women Women Mural.
Wak’ó : Representing the indigenous women of Kanza.
Mujeres : Spanish, the second most spoken language in KS.
Phụ nữ : Vietnamese, the third most spoken language apart in KS.
*Womxn A spelling of women, that is more inclusive to individuals who are: non-binary, femme, trans, and Women of Color.
*Womxn of Color Womxn who are unable to scape from racism; Black, Brown, and Asian womxn. (For this project we are using the word Asian; as the racialized term.)
This project is a celebration of the daily life and work, past and present, of Womxn of Color* (WoC) in Lawrence, Kansas; a monumental honoring of our presence, our creativity, and our labor as indispensable and integral members of this community.
This project would not have been possible without the support of: RocketGrants, The Spencer Museum of Art, Charlotte Street Foundation and the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.
Photo by Mason Kilpatrick— Charlotte Street Foundation
707 Vermont St, Lawrence, KS 66044